Winner of the “Best Mentoring Program” award in the competition SUPER M 2022 in the category “Commercial Companies”, organized by EMCC.

Achieve career goals
with mentoring assistance

Grow professionally with experienced mentors in a personalized process

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Our Mentors

Learn more effectively

Girl with laptop

The set of desired competencies of tomorrow

A girl with curly hair

Rapid development through practical experience

Para designerów

Support tailored to your own personal needs

Acquire the competencies of tomorrow

Product Design

5 mentors

Product Management

3 mentors


5 mentors


1 mentor

Futures Thinking

1 mentor

UX Design

8 mentors


5 mentors

Circular Design

2 mentors


4 mentors

Service Design

5 mentors

Generative AI Design

2 mentors

And much more!

As part of the program, you gain

1:1 meetings with your own Mentor

Access to webinars with industry experts

Access to a community of Mentors and Mentees

Development and work planning tools

Online and live networking with our community

Certificate of completion of the mentoring program

Our collaborations

We co-create Non-Storing, which uses advanced methods of needs analysis and expertise in the creation of personalized development programs.

Through an individual approach and adaptation of tools to specific situations, we help employees achieve their development goals.

Kasia Szczesna i Bartek Postek, Nestoring

We are a partner of the project Gen4Gen initiated by the company Archicom.

The initiative, based on assumptions Generation Intelligence, that is, the use of generational intelligence for business development, which allows you to get the desired result faster and more realistically.



I highly recommend Design Mentorship!

My mentor and I discussed topics related to the challenges I faced at work. His experience proved invaluable for a good understanding of the process and the impact of my actions on the course of work. In addition, as part of the program, I was able to consult with a specialist in the field of recruitment, which translated into further development of my career and change of job.

Photo by Mentee Anna Kolota

Anna Kolota

UX Designer/Researcher

I will recommend and recommend constantly!

The most valuable thing you can give to another person is time, knowledge and inspiration. In my opinion, this is the best definition of a Design Mentorship program. Organization of the program and constantly developing offer. Effectively and pleasantly cooperates with everyone in this program.

Photo of Mentor Martyna Tarnawska

Martyna Tarnawska

DM Mentor

I am very pleased

I am very happy with the DM, especially with the mentor who I had a great time working with. I learned a lot from going through the design process under her watchful eye. Weekly meetings with experts were of great value. I see DM growing and I'm happy to be a part of this community.

Photo by Mentee Alexandra Wajs

Alexandra Weiss

UX Researcher/ Designer

I found my first job!

Design Mentorship helped me organize my knowledge and create a large network of valuable contacts. Right after starting the program, I found my first dream job 👌

Photo by Mentee Kacpr Żebrowski

Kacper Zebrowski

Mentee, UX/UI Designer

I changed my profession

Participation in the program was an important step for me in the process of changing my career path. He helped organize knowledge, assess his competence and meet many valuable people from the DM community.

Photo by Mentee Magda Kaziuk

Magda Kaziuk

UX Researcher

I am just starting an internship at the company

Without mentoring I would not have enough confidence and enthusiasm for action. Anyone who has been looking for a job in a new environment for a long time probably understands me. Fortunately, Michael and the girls have proven themselves great as warm-up trainers for the fight!

Photo by Mentee Patrycja Czaplińska

Patrycja Czaplinska

UX/UI Designer

I started as a Mentee

I started my adventure with as a Mentee. Currently I am a Mentor myself, I run my own agency and I make my dreams come true. I recommend DM with all my heart 💜

Photo of Mentor Szymon Kordylewicz

Szymon Kordylewicz

Brand Designer, Mentor


What is mentoring?
Chevron down

Mentoring is based on 1:1 meetings with a Mentor. Together you decide what and how you will work. You can start mentoring at any time. In addition, you can choose from 3 experience levels (Begin, Grow, Leadership) and 3 hour packages (5h, 10h or 15h).

Who is mentoring for?
Chevron down

Mentoring is for a person who:
- is in the process of disguise and already has some basis in the topics of the new industry,
- wants to develop hard and soft skills,
- designs or participates in the running of a project, service or company,
- struggles with career or skill barriers
And he wants to work on such issues with the help of a person from the industry, and at the same time expects an individual approach and concrete results.

Who is the Begin/ Grow/ Leadership level for?
Chevron down

Begin- for people entering the industry or taking their first steps in practice.Grow- people in mid, senior positions who want to gain new skills or get promoted. Leadership- Team Leaders, Managers, CEOs, Entrepreneurs.
Pakiet 5h - 2460 zł brutto (płatność jednorazowa)
Pakiet 10h - 4794 zł brutto (płatność w max. 2 ratach)
Pakiet 15h - 7011 zł brutto (płatność w max. 3 ratach).

Is there recruitment for the program?
Chevron down

Yes. It is needed because we place special emphasis on the right selection of the person with whom you will work. After the initial interview, we set you up for a meeting where you check if you have compatible expectations. Don't worry, this is not a test of knowledge!
In addition, we want to check if you have the space to take full advantage of the benefits of mentoring. Remember, this is not a course, lectures or training! The more work and time you put in, the more you gain for yourself.

What do mentoring sessions look like?
Chevron down

Sessions are a minimum of 60 minutes of online meetings. During these sessions, you work with your Mentor on a topic of your choice concerning your development or project.

Are you working on a real project during the mentoring?
Chevron down

Unfortunately, we currently do not provide projects from our side. But nothing lost! We know from experience that people who come without their own project, after talking with a Mentor, find many issues that are worth working through. In another case, there will always be a project for a person from a close circle or a non-profit organization. We know from recruitment experience that demonstrated cooperation and challenges in the project work well in the portfolio.

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